View Profile ApothicFlash
What will become of our lovable anti-hero? P.S. PM me if you want a sig made :3

Age 36, Male


Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK

Joined on 11/29/06

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Resident Evil Collab

Posted by ApothicFlash - March 3rd, 2008

Alright guys we've got an even more amzing collab coming out doing with all things resident evil!

Now the specs:
24 fps
500 x 350

Now the rules:
Nothing unpleasent (Porn, racism, etc.)
NO SPRITES! Sticks are okay, but they have to be good

The authors:

ApothicFlash (Done)
dante224 (Working on Part)
Greensinge (Done)
Art-Saint (Done)
PRIME45664 (Done)
Gustavos (Done)
LoneZombie(Working on Part)
Nutcrackerproduction(Working on Part)
Zergling-Seb(Working on Part)
evillouis(Working on Part)

(Haven't heard from in close to a month or more)



when's deadline?

once I amass a quality collection of parts!

umm, I don't want to see I'm bashing you here but this may not be the best Idea right after the undead collab. Try something a little fresher.

WTF? Why you bashing me? Are you a zombie-racist?

looken forward to it

HellNO! (knowing that you're sarcastic) By the way I'm one of the biggst zombie Freaks this side of the pecos so watch what you say.

Hey, remember moi? I'd love to join the RE Flash. Let a fellow RE Fan in?

Sure you know what's up!

So then what are the specs of this collab?

24 fps
500 x 350

Workin Real Hard on it.

please make my flash the grand finale! its gonna be a pretty long one, and it involves the awesome style (egoraptor... you know), which i have a nack for using.

i have over half of the phone scene complete (just need to add snake and all his glory :P)

the transitions wont be done soon... sorry...

Ahhh turd, I didn't even realise that the size is 500 x 350, I've been working in the default settings!


uh oh hope it's not too hard to fix!

I think you'll find My resident evil movie for your collab funny :D

Well good I can't wait to see it!

i moved the task of the transitions to prime, and i made the preloader :)

PS: prime thought he was being pushed out of the collab :P

I solved everything with the scene size etc. so it's all good. Hope you read that I'm going away until Thursday, so I'm finishing what I can for now, but definetly wont be finished menu or part until after Thursday. Sorry!

Could you update the list of authors so we know who is done/nearly done/not updating you at all etc. please? :)

My voice actors have sent all their parts now, so all I need to do is finish lipsynching Barry then I can get down to the real animation. Zing!

I'll hop on that 2marrow!

hey do u know where i can find the retarded zombie sound the aoaoaoaoaoaoao or whatever it is called i just find zombie eating

Dunno dude you might have to record it yourself

Count me In now!


ill send you my 1st part and the preloader via spamtheweb-PM

i need your email again, pm plz :)

sry i was asking that because i dindnt had a mic. but i just got one today :)))))))

hey apothic can u pm ur email so i can send what i got till now.. its like 20 seconds but i just want to know if the drawings are ok or a i have to redo it all again

Could you put a little (x) next to everybody who is active or finished in this collab please? We're kind of (well completely) unsure as to who has started or finished their parts. It's a little frustrating, and I can't exactly do the menu properly without knowing who is even involved anymore.

Thanks :)

seriously I'm an author?! you are awsome!

unless of course that just means that I've got my parts to you...

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